Upload files to GoogleDrive

The tutoriol introduce you how to upload files to GoogleDrive from scratch setup service account to write script in Fastfile.


  1. Setup Google service account. ```
  2. Open GoogleAPI
  3. Create a Project
  4. Create a servcie account under service accounts
  5. Go to Credentials
  6. Select Create credentials -> Service account Key
  7. Download the credential json file
  8. Invite service account to your TeamDrive ```


  1. Install fastlane plugin google drive
    fastlane add_plugin google_drive
  2. Put the credential json in your project
  3. Write code GoogleDrive.rb ```ruby

def create_folder_in_team_drive_test create_google_drive_folder( drive_keyfile: "#{pwd}/drive_keyfile.json", folder_id: "#{folder_id}", folder_title: 'create_folder_in_team_drive_test' ) end

def upload_file_to_team_drive_test upload_to_google_drive( drive_keyfile: "#{pwd}/drive_keyfile.json", service_account: true, folder_id: "#{folder_id}", upload_files: ["#{pwd}/testFile1", "#{pwd}/testFile2"] ) end

def create_folder_in_team_drive(folder_title) create_google_drive_folder( drive_keyfile: "#{pwd}/drive_keyfile.json", folder_id: "#{folder_id}", folder_title: folder_title ) end

def upload_file_to(folder_id, files) upload_to_google_drive( drive_keyfile: "#{pwd}/drive_keyfile.json", service_account: true, # False if it is not a service account. folder_id: "#{folder_id}", upload_files: files ) end

def pwd begin sh("pwd").strip end end

4. Write a new `lane` (TestCode)
lane :create_and_upload_file_test do
      folder_id = Fastlane::Actions.lane_context[Fastlane::Actions::SharedValues::GDRIVE_CREATED_FOLDER_ID].to_s
      upload_file_to(folder_id, ["#{pwd}/testFile1", "#{pwd}/testFile2"])


Fastlane is a very flexible tool that can accomplish any tasks into your CICD flow, I will share more example in the future.


https://github.com/gimite/google-drive-ruby/blob/master/doc/authorization.md#service-account https://github.com/bskim45/fastlane-plugin-google_drive

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